• Dream it.

    It all begins with your commitment to create lasting, positive change in your life. We all have an ideal self, and having that as target will allow you to notice the subconscious and conscious obstacles in your path and create a route to your success.

  • Build it.

    Through a detailed look at your life thus far, we identify the patterns of decisions, behaviours, and beliefs which may have limited your experience of life, and we systematically eliminate any negative effect they might have had and build new patterns and resources which will take you to where you want to go!

  • Live it.

    Now is the time to start putting what you have learnt and experienced into action. To start taking steps towards your goals and experiencing life with renewed energy and vitality.

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What will you gain from your Breakthrough Experience?

  • Get really clear on the REAL unconscious problem that is driving your current behaviour & results (and fix it!)

  • Gain freedom from negative emotions such as Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt & Guilt from the past that is currently holding you back

  • Remove Beliefs you hold that are limiting your success (e.g. I’m not good enough, I fear rejection, I’m scared of failure)

  • Gain clarity about what is important to you and set really compelling goals that are more likely to come to fruition

  • Get clear on your REAL values and change them if you wish.

Values are what are important to us, determine what we spend time on and therefore what motivates us.

  • Stop your brain controlling you and instead take back control and ensure it does what you want it to do in support of your goals

  • Identify & interrupt patterns that keep repeating themselves throughout your life – it’s time to take back control

  • Get out of any ruts, you may have been in

  • Resolve internal conflicts that are draining and enable yourself to get clarity and find decision making much easier

  • Clear up your thinking so that you have more energy to spend on the things that matter to you

  • Leave your Breakthrough NLP Intensive Coaching session with a laser sharp focus on the next steps to getting your goal.

After care, is not an after thought.

Whilst each Breakthrough Experience is different, what makes them the same is our commitment to ensure that you follow up on the progress you have made.

Whilst you will walk away with a toolkit of tools, techniques and strategies that you can access and use as you see the need, we don’t stop there.

We offer each person:

  • A 1-hour free one-to-one follow up session (in person or online), usually within 3 weeks of the Breakthrough Experience

  • Free weekly email support to your coach for 2 months,

  • Reduced cost of any additional coaching sessions you might want to focus on other areas of your life (20% off)

  • 10% Reduction for anyone you recommend and completes a Breakthrough Experience (Deducted at end of session)

Life beyond limits!